Chris Buzzelli
Chris Buzzelli graduated from Trenton State College with a BA in classical guitar and from North Texas State University where he studied with guitarist Jack Petersen and performed as a member of the prestigious One O’clock Lab Band. In 1983 he completed a Master of Music Education degree with a specialization in jazz education.
In 1984, Buzzelli joined the faculty of Bowling Green State University where he continues to serve as Professor of Music and director of the guitar program. Over the years he has performed with artists such as Joe Pass, Herb Ellis, Cal Collins, Mike Stern, Tal Farlow, Jack Wilkins, Randy Johnston, Joshua Breakstone, Mark Elf, Frank Vignola and Gene Bertoncini. Since 1995, Buzzelli has been playing 7-string guitar.
Chris, Director with New York Voices Summer Camp
Chris Buzzelli with his Bravo 7-String Model.
photo courtesy of player